Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 11 - Savannah (minus Liz Phalen) a.k.a. Savannadventure

So... Savannah, Georgia.

And an uber-long delay in posting to the blog.
I'm trying guys. Really, I am.

The beginning of my day was as bad, if not worse than my previous night there... it began with me and my 3 trips back to my car: as per usual, I'd left the tech (comp and cam, purse) for last. When I ran up for the last grouping of things, the card no longer worked on my door: and it was 6 minutes to check out.

Angry Natalie was Angry.

After rushing downstairs and explaining quickly and carefully that I would refuse to be charged for late time if they didn't get me back into my room fast enough, I got everything back out and to the car....

...Where I was met with an infestation in the front passenger side floor of fire ants. Granted, at this particular moment I hadn't realized that they were fire ants - I figured that out after I'd spent about 10 minutes vacuuming them up at the gas station. 10 minutes, about 500 less ants, and 2 less dollars later, I started off towards Bonaventure Cemetery; I was livid.

It was also incredibly hot. I began, after driving through town, to see the first saw palmettos :D

Soon after getting into the thick of the town, I pulled into a CVS to grab Raid. I found one for Ants and other bugs that smelled "Outdoors fresh" and bought a can of that as well as some ant traps, which I ended up using in the passenger side of the car to get the ants out of there. Thankfully after a couple hours (when I got out of the cemetery) it totally worked.

Bonaventure was GIGANTIC. I'm only throwing up a few shots here; the rest you can peruse at my Deviantart Site ( http://calenthrellii.deviantart.com ). It took me just over 2.5 hours to navigate about a third of it (while obviously taking pictures)... at that point I had to leave because I was overheated and had only slept about two and a half hours the night before - I think I had to pee, too. I'd parked outside of the cemetery so I had to do it all on foot and couldn't just leave to come back. At any rate, here are some of the shots I grabbed :)

This next one if you can't read it, the one on the right with the flower underneath it is apparently a great grand niece of George Washington. cool.

I probably sent this one to you if you are Ari or my Dad :) It was taken with my phone, and I think the foggy effect is awesome: it was super hot and I got that out of my purse, which apparently was much cooler than everywhere else, it gives a neat feeling :D

This particular statue/headstone is in a perfect area; it matches the trees so perfectly. Beauty IS Bonaventure.

I love finding headstones with last names of popular authors :P

Large and pretty family plot:

Some close-up textures that I saw quite a bit around that area:

I've never seen these in any other cemetery, but I love the planters beneath the headstone :D

"Grim grinning ghosts come out to soc-ia-lize"

Some veterans graves, on July 2nd.

The map of the whole setup:

Yeah, I forgot to mention that Liz (who I was supposed to be hanging with IN Savannah) told me last minute that she was called onto duty. I also know that Rob Thourson had started living out there. Whether both, either, or neither were true, it doesn't really matter. I made the best of what I could by myself and from the multiple things Liz told me I should go see (like the aforementioned/shown cemetery)

She had also told me to see River Street. Thankfully on my way there... I came across which I couldn't place at the time, but remembered about 3 minutes later: I had seen them on a pretty decent Episode of Ghost Hunters. (cool!) Of course that meant I would later come back ;)

So I went up and back along the Riverwalk, passing delicious smelling restaurants and touristy shops. I actually never bought anything in the shops, but meh. I did, however, see a sign at the Irish pub for some live music later that night. I was like "that would be fun if I'm still awake later on" So eventually I made my way up to Moon River.

Here I met some neat people (a couple traveling from Miami to Chicago!), (saw absolutely no ghosties) Enjoyed two delectable ales, and a savory crab melt (omg I was in heaven) and later went on to go catch the live show :D

I got to bed fairly late that night due to my chatting, but in the morning awoke a little earlier to take some pics around town. Sadly the tours would have been a bit expensive for me to go on (it's one thing when you are going to ONLY Savannah, it's another when it's one of about 12 stops you're making)

Here are some of those :)

Apparently the most Haunted house in Savannah-I skipped it because tours were like 10 bucks. Sorrel-Weed.

The First Girl Scout Headquarters :)

The colors in Savannah houses around the squares are just magical.

Hey - it's the 3rd oldest Synagogue in the US... in Savannah, GA.

You don't find the idiots who can't use colors together: you see that a lot in upper middle-class suburbs and wonder if the colorblind husband picked out the paint choices. Never in Savannah.

The window frame work and the wrought iron fences here are breathtaking :) sorry for the car frames :(

I had a blast in this town, I would definitely like to visit it again, get to know it better.

More later, next update: GA to NC / Charlotte, NC.

Lesson learned in Savannah: Trust your heart.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you at Moon River. The wife and I are now back in Miami after a 3 week road trip. I sent you a friend request on FB and the pic I took of you is on there. Good luck and I hope our paths cross again soon!
